Game Assets It’s a question I’m asked daily, Indie Game Developers just starting out their new side careers, Game Development Students, Professionals we’re all facing the same problem! Where do I find GOOD assets for my project. It’s very hard to find game artists willing to work with…
The Ultimate Deathmatch – Developer Log #5
This is just a quick demonstration of the new weapons system. It has improved physics and support for multiple weapon types. previously I was limited by my design choices to weapons of the same shape and physical characteristics henceforth most…
The Best Tips For Game Developers
Hello All! This is a collection of my thoughts… raw and unedited after watching this you will come out a better developer i promise. I go over how to teach yourself to think for yourself how to solve your own problems…
So this is just a quick screenshot of a platformer game i whipped up as a demo. Currently it has colliding blocks, basic physics, double jumping, and moving platforms which to my surprise were a lot harder to implement than i thought it would be.…