Game Assets It’s a question I’m asked daily, Indie Game Developers just starting out their new side careers, Game Development Students, Professionals we’re all facing the same problem! Where do I find GOOD assets for my project. It’s very hard to find game artists willing to work with…
10 Game Development Tools You May Not Know
Game Development There are so many Game Development tools out there and they are here to help us make games faster and be more efficient. However with the vast array of hugely successful game development tools out there many smaller unknown tools go unnoticed, that’s…
Game Development Tips #2 – Finishing Projects, Engine Choice
Evaluate your game ideas When starting a game development project or any project for that matter its a good idea to sit down first and evaluate your ideas. I find that writing down your thoughts on paper allows me to…
Game Development Tips – Introduction
Welcome Hello and welcome everybody to this series of game development related blog posts. Over the years through major failure and minor success I have started to gain what I believe is some insider knowledge to the game development process.…
The Ultimate Deathmatch – Developer Log #5
This is just a quick demonstration of the new weapons system. It has improved physics and support for multiple weapon types. previously I was limited by my design choices to weapons of the same shape and physical characteristics henceforth most…